Second Team Match Report 2023

19th July v Leicestershire at Stanton – Notts lost 5-4
28th July v Leicestershire at Scraptoft - Notts lost 5½ - 3½
14th August v Lincolnshire at Rufford – Notts lost 7-2
31st August v Lincolnshire at Stoke Rochford – An excellent half

The games were played in fantastic spirit with the results not quite going our way for the first three but so many matches could have been a different story. Some excellent golf was played and in some difficult weather conditions. At Rufford the wind was so strong, if I had been Mary Poppins I would have flown high in the sky!
Breaking news…We did manage a momentous draw in our final match away to Lincolnshire.
This year we had 3 players making their first appearance with 17 players taking part over the four matches. The squad were: Amelia Hogg, Bernie Barton, Bev Cook, Carol Houghton, Charlie Inger, Cheryl Gee, Ellen Sanderson, Emma Anderson, Hailey Laverty, Jan Calder, Lisa Anthoney, Lorraine Howd, Lynne Inman, Maddison Clarke, Millie Marsh, Sue Linacre and Wendy Kerry. Thank you all, you were a pleasure to watch.
We were truly blessed to have so many good team players to choose from and introduced new players to the squad. Hopefully we will go from strength to strength over the coming years.

Julie Revill
Vice County Captain 2023